Copywriting Blog


Ever wondered what a Copywriter actually does all day? Peel back the curtain and I’ll show you the cogs that make this thing called ‘copy’ spin!

A lot of copywriting blogs are like libraries of information for fellow Copywriters, sharing skills and techniques that will improve our craft so that we can better serve our clients. That’s not what I’m doing here. This copywriting blog is not for fellow Copywriters (although, you’re very welcome to stay!)

This copywriting blog is for the busy business owner, the overrun marketing manager, the down-in-the-details app builder… all people who want to outsource their copywriting so that they an concentrate on what they do best.

This copywriting blog is not a treasure trove of resources. It’s a backstage look at what I, as a Copywriter, actually do all day and how I can help your business.

This copywriting blog is a place where I can update clients on my latest practises, show potential clients what working with me could look like, and, ultimately, exercise my copywriting arm.

If that sounds good to you, take a little scroll and click on a blog post that takes your fancy…

Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon

An Honest Review of the Copy Posse Launch Pad Season 4

The Launch Pad is a hands-on, immersive training program. It is not a quick hack to make money fast. It is a real investment of your own time, money, and creativity, in pursuit of gaining/refining an incredible skill that has the potential to massively boost your career.

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Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon

The NUMBER 1 Way Purpose-Driven Brands are Sabotaging Their Own Messaging

Your ethical brand must achieve empathetic brand messaging in order to encourage people to make real, impactful, world-shaking change.

EMPATHETIC copy is ETHICAL copy. And no, I don’t mean empathising with your customer’s ‘pain points’ 🙄

I mean real empathy.

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Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon

To Influence or De-Influence? That is the Question…

Today’s ethical business owners, whether big or small, are facing an uphill battle when it comes to communicating their mission in a way that connects with customers and prompts real, lasting change.

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Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon

How to Give Feedback to a Copywriter: The Ultimate Guide

Your Copywriter wants the very best for this project and for your organisation. They want this piece to perform well and genuinely benefit the reader. They want to impress you and give you something you can be proud to publish! But, they will never achieve these goals if you don’t give them clear, specific, useful feedback.

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Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon Abigail Stavroulakis-McMahon

16 Features of an Impactful ‘About’ Page

An impactful ‘About’ page is an essential part of any trustworthy website. I know what you’re thinking – ‘really Abigail? I think my customers just want to know more about my product and services, not me.’ In a way, you’re right. Most website visitors are going to be thinking ‘what’s in it for me?’ A carefully crafted ‘About’ page is all about connecting the reader to your brand.

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Abigail smiling, standing in front of a blossoming tree

Let’s share your message with the world!

I want to know all about how your business is making the world a better place, and how I can help you to achieve your goals through effective brand messaging.

Let’s get to know each other!