To Influence or De-Influence? That is the Question…

How purpose-driven brands can connect with customers without sacrificing their values.

Two people at a desk. Their hands are busy typing on a laptop, and writing in a notebook.

Is it better to encourage customers to pivot their spending habits from unsustainable brands, to brands that are trying to make a dent in this consumeristic, exploitative world? Or to take arms against consumerism entirely, and, by opposing wasteful capitalism… end it?

Enough paraphrasing Hamlet.

You’ve seen the TikToks, Reels, and YouTube shorts… ‘Let me de-influence you’ followed by a long list of things you shouldn’t buy, all in the name of combating consumer culture! It’s an exciting movement, full of opportunities for purpose-driven brands to position themselves as the more conscious alternative.

But, it’s also a trend that has seen ethical brands questioning their marketing approach - is it time for something new?

Today’s ethical business owners, whether big or small, are facing an uphill battle when it comes to communicating their mission in a way that connects with customers and prompts real, lasting change.

The ultimate dilemma: is there ever ethical consumption under capitalism…?

My answer will not surprise you… I don’t know. I’m sorry… I’m not a philosopher, anthropologist, economist, or politician. 

But, I am a human being. I’m a mother. I’m a consumer under the imperfect system I was born into. 

And, I want to make a difference.

That’s where your business comes in…

Dear business owner, marketing manager, and entrepreneur with lofty dreams for a better world, I believe in you. I’m on your side. You’re trying to make positive change in a system that seems stacked against you.

Your product or service has the power to revolutionise your industry for the good of the world!

But getting your message out there in an ethical, non-cringey way that actually gets people to take action seems impossible to do ethically.

You. Are. Seen.

It is so tough to market your products and services effectively, whilst holding fast to your strong moral compass.

You’re feeling:

  • Overworked: implementing ethical business practices, transparent supply chains, fair wages, and creating your incredible product is taking up all of your time. Throw in writing persuasive, non-manipulative, personality-ful, on-brand copy into the mix… ticking off that to-do list feels as possible as hiking up Mount Everest with a tantruming toddler strapped to your back.

  • Tongue-tied: you’re trying to communicate your brand message in a way that pleases everyone… but you’re quickly realising that this feels inauthentic and unsatisfying.

  • Apprehensive: ‘If you want something done properly, do it yourself’ is your motto. You’ve been burned too many times by colleagues and employees that don’t sympathise with your personal and business values. Hiring a Copywriter to communicate your brand message sends alarm bells ringing.

  • Isolated: the average 9-5 lifestyle is completely out of sync with how you work. Your business is your calling! Your business is changing the status quo! You’re up late at night sending emails into the dark, knowing you won’t get a response until morning - it’s lonely being a revolutionary.

  • In over your head: the more research you do into copywriting and marketing, the less you feel you know. Add doing it ethically into the mix… ugh, it’s all too much! You’ve wasted time and money on courses, books and resources when you should be focussing on your world-changing mission.

Ethical marketing is not only possible, but will make you stand out in a sea of manipulative guff…

Think of your favourite brands that are working to make the world a better place:

  • Lush

  • Patagonia

  • Ben & Jerry’s

  • TOMS

  • Tony’s Chocolonely

  • KeepCup

  • Who Gives A Crap

  • ….and more!

Not one of these businesses sacrifice their ethical values when it comes to their marketing.

And yet, all of them have unique, bold, even funny brand messaging that packs a serious punch!

In fact, I’d argue that the more ethical the business, the more adventurous their marketing tends to be!

So yes, my friend, it is possible to market your business whilst staying strong to who you really are.

So, what are your options…?

Option 1: DIY it

Yep, DIY-ing your marketing is very possible. iPhone pics and writing your own copy is a great place to start… And then you’ll realise that there is more to learn.

Most business owners know the value of good visuals - professional photography and graphic design can go a long way in making your brand look slick. So, you hire a professional!

But visuals without words? Well, that can lead to confusion and high bounce rates. Yikes.

So, you decide to research a bit more into copywriting. Your Google search history goes from song lyrics, to ‘how to write a sales page’, ‘free copywriting tips’, ‘marketing email template’.

After weeks (even months) of trying to do it yourself, you decide that in order to speed up the process, you might need to throw some money at this thing.

A few hundred pounds spent on homogenous templates later… and your copy may have improved a little, but it’s not the unique, true-to-you brand messaging that you were hoping for.

With all of this time and money frittered away attempting rookie copy, your focus has been taken away from what matters most. Your business’ mission. The ‘why’ behind the marketing. The reason you’re doing this in the first place.

Option 2: Hire a Copywriter

It’s time to call in the experts.

But, wait… there’s SO. MUCH. CHOICE.

Technical Copywriters. Direct response Copywriters. PR Copywriters. UX Copywriters. SEO Copywriters… if you see another acronym your head may just explode!

How do you know which Copywriter to trust? Afterall, you are giving them your voice.

Finding a value-aligned Copywriter is the key to communicating your brand’s mission…

Yes, there are many (many…) Copywriters that use manipulation, greenwashing, wokewashing, and divisive language to provoke an emotional reaction in their prospects, preying on dangerous psychological triggers, and ultimately making people buy things they don’t actually want or need.

Our planet is begging for a change in our consumer culture.

Ethically written copy will help you to reach your dream customers, and get people to make life-long positive change… all whilst bringing joy and value to your prospective customers.

Ethical Copywriters CHANGE. THE. GAME.

You need a Copywriter who:

  • Believes in your world-changing mission with all of their heart

  • Keeps up to date with the latest Advertising Standards Authority’s guidelines

  • Holds themselves accountable to never using manipulative marketing tactics

  • Gets super-creative with their words

  • Connects people to your brand and converts them into customers

Whether you want to INFLUENCE or DE-INFLUENCE your customers, I’m on your side…

My mission is to help you achieve your mission, through carefully crafted, crazy-good copy.

I believe that your purpose-driven businesses can conquer the online space, whilst embracing honest, empathetic, inclusive copy. Move over devious, scheming, click-bait. Ethical copy is here to stay.

What it feels like when I drop ethical copy into your inbox:

  • Exhilaration: all of your copy-needs ticked off your list, freeing you up to do what you do best - building your incredible business.

  • Confidence: settling on a true-to-you brand voice that helps you feel articulate, and connects you to your dream customers.

  • Optimism: handing over the copy-baton without worry, trusting that the results will not only reach your expectations… but surpass them!

  • Encouragement: you’ll have a true cheerleader who just gets your brand and your world-changing goals. If you’re up late at night thinking about your brand… so am I. Expect plenty of late-night emails signed by me!

  • Peace: replacing your Google search history… from ‘copywriting formula’, ‘how to write a sales page’, ‘find a copywriter that isn’t manipulative’... to ‘summer holidays in Crete’.

…And breeeeeathe.

So, world-changer, how can I help you on your ethical business’s journey?

I want to know all about how your business is making the world a better place, and how I can help you to achieve your goals through effective brand messaging.

Drop me a quick email to tell me all about your copywriting needs. There will be no pressure to book my services, just a casual chat to get to know each other!


The NUMBER 1 Way Purpose-Driven Brands are Sabotaging Their Own Messaging


Is AI Generated Copy EVER Compatible With Ethical Marketing?!