Ethical Copywriting: Why Copywriters are A Lot Like Toothbrushes
How Good Copywriting Can Change the World for the Better
“Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.” – The Defence of Poetry, Percy Bysshe Shelley.
It’s 6:45pm and I’m brushing my toddler’s teeth, when it hits me: this toothbrush will outlive me, my son, and any future grandchildren and great grandchildren that I have.
“Okay darling, teeth-brushing is over, would you like to turn on the tap?”
Something the NCT classes don’t warn you about is that parenthood opens your eyes to both the horrors and the joys of the world, in glaring extremes. Suddenly, ethical issues that I had a cheery agreement with before (such as slow fashion, reusable products, fair wages, equality…) became urgent matters of concern that I had to do something about.
Is Copywriting Ethical?
As a creative, I acknowledge that words have the power to shape the world around us. Words can destroy or build up. Words can hurt or comfort. Words can manipulate or inform. A Copywriter wields this power to communicate the aims of their client. I can choose to have a positive or negative impact on the people and places around me, through my work as a Copywriter.
Emma Cownley, in her excellent video ‘How Problematic Is Your Copywriting Career’ puts it this way;
“As writers, it’s our responsibility to understand the gravity of the messages that we’re crafting.”
Personally, I feel the weight of this responsibility heavily. I am in the privileged position of being able to say “yes” to clients who are determined to make a positive impact on the world, and helping them communicate their messages in an ethical way.
It breaks my heart that some of the most powerful and evocative copywriting out there is promoting damaging products, contributing towards negative stereotypes, and causing division in an already fractured world. Bafflingly, the opposite is also often true. Some of my favourite brands that have honourable aims and respectable business practises oftentimes haven’t invested in good copy to communicate their ethical ideas.
Being the Change I Want to See in the World
One person can’t change everything, but she can change something. Motherhood has put a fire in my belly, driving me to use my skills and expertise to make a positive difference in the world. I love working with clients who share this fire. I love writing copy that is legitimate and informative.
Ethical copy doesn’t have to be dry, oh no! My work always aims to add a little piece of joy into the reader’s day, whether they are scrolling through social media or scouring my client’s website for information.
Good, ethical copy is truthful and entertaining. Useful and charming. Relevant and humorous.
One of the reasons I am passionate about SEO (search engine optimisation) is because the Google algorithm identifies and rewards authenticity. Your website will only make it to the first page of a Google search if it will be relevant and beneficial to the searcher.
My Copywriting services promise reliable, trustworthy, and captivating communication of your ideas and products.
What’s Next?
My son’s plastic toothbrush may take 500 years to decompose. I can make the choice to ensure his next toothbrush will not leave such a nasty imprint on the world.
If you’re looking for an ethical Copywriter that shares your heart for sustainable living or social justice issues, please do get in touch with me. Together we can take steps to make the world a more beautiful, kind, and sustainable place.